Helen Chadwick's 'Ego Geometrica Sum': a biography (No. 64)
Helen Chadwick's 'Ego Geometrica Sum': a biography (No. 64)
The papers of the artist Helen Chadwick (1953-1996) are one of the key collections held in the Henry Moore Institute Archive of Sculptors' Papers. This record spans Chadwick's years in Art College in the early-mid 1970s through to her sudden, premature death in 1996.
In 2007 art historian Leonie O'Dwyer began working on this material to create a critical catalogue raisonné of Chadwick's works, developing her research through an Arts and Humanities Research Council collaborative doctoral project, undertaken at Leeds University and the Henry Moore Institute.
This issue of Essays on Sculpture is the first publication of O'Dwyer's research on Chadwick. It focuses on a selection of material relating to the installation 'Ego Geometria Sum' of 1982-83, tracing the biography of this influential work that rethought the possibilities of sculpture.